iPROMOTEu helps experienced industry salespeople establish their own distributorship — quickly, easily and inexpensively. We provide information, resources, FREE consultation, and professional services to help you setup your new business so you can be up and running in no time. Also, you will EARN SUBSTANTIALLY MORE MONEY as an iPROMOTEu affiliate than you are presently earning as a sales rep. Stop giving away so much of your profit and keep more for yourself —50%more!
iPROMOTEu is not a network of salespeople and is not a network of franchisees; rather, iPROMOTEu is a network of independent business owners. Each iPROMOTEu Affiliate owns and operates its own distributorship and does so using its own company name and identity. Nearly 1,000 distributors and sales reps are already a part of the iPROMOTEu network.
TAKE CONTROL OF YOUR CAREER, YOUR LIFE & YOUR HAPPINESS. Contact iPROMOTEu today at 800-850-3370 or visit our website at www.iPROMOTEu.com.
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