Faces of iPROMOTEu
how has iPROMOTEu changed MY BUSINESS?
how has iPROMOTEu changed MY LIFE? This is an easy question – we have and love our iPROMOTEu family. We have formed friendships with other affiliates that will be life-long. Through these friendships, we constantly help each other out, collaborate on projects together, and support each other (in work and life). Our company has grown because of our iPROMOTEu family of affiliates and staff. Some of us communicate on a daily basis and shows and events are reunion-like. We can’t imagine our personal and professional life without this fabulous group of so many kind, creative, inspiring, awesome people!!! Terri and I incorporated Avalon Image Group in November 2006 and affiliated with iPROMOTEu in December 2006. This is THE best business decision we have ever made. From the beginning, the day-to-day support (order tracking, accounting, payroll, vendor support) has been tremendous and frees up more time for us to market and sell. We have had great years and then a couple of not so great years. After losing a couple of big customers (no fault of ours), iPROMOTEu provided even more support. With help from Cliff Quicksell, Bob Schwei and Gary Goodhart, we have refocused and are re-building our company better, smarter and funner (yes, that is a word!). We are SO excited at the turnaround and it wouldn’t have happened without these great resources. Our customer support from Kristen and Emily is awesome!! We have built some great vendor relationships through the iPROMOTEu showcases and regional events. Ross and Rick’s support and friendship has been tremendous!
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