Faces of iPROMOTEu
how has iPROMOTEu changed MY BUSINESS?
how has iPROMOTEu changed MY LIFE? Before I joined iPROMOTEu, I worked from an office and was tied to my desk. Now I work from my home, phone or anywhere I can connect to Wi-Fi. Also, I know that I have affiliate services available to help me in a pinch, which has been a lifesaver and an order preserver. The flexibility that iPROMOTEu provides has improved my quality of life. In this industry you want to be available to your clients when they need you and iPROMOTEu supports me in my efforts to be available to my clients. I love the team at iPROMOTEu and they do an amazing job to support me and my business. I know that help is just a phone call away. There are many reasons why iPROMOTEu has been the best decision I have made regarding my business. 1. Affiliate services helps me keep my orders on schedule and on time. This saves me so much time and energy allowing me to focus on being creative and relevant to my customers. 2. iPROMOTEu accounting does an amazing job. I very seldom have to ask for an invoice and the fact that they have someone who is dedicated to my accounts receivable is a true benefit . . . they keep the money flowing :). Also, not having to be the initial bill collector from my clients is important to me, as this is a huge time saver in my schedule. 3. I have access to a graphic designer who is affordable and does a great job. 4. I have so much flexibility with my business . . . access to Xebra anywhere, anytime. It is hard to turn off my business, so I love being able to work and travel. I love, love, love Xebra. 5. I get rewards, which is something I have never received before. I love the rewards program. 6. The pricing I receive from suppliers is better than what I received before. 7. iPROMOTEu has so many resources available to me that I have not even tapped into yet. I feel more supported in my business than I have ever felt before. The team at iPROMOTEu is the best -- top-notch professionals. I cannot even express how happy I am to be part of this organization. Joining IPROMOTEu is the best decision I have made since becoming a distributor, hands down.
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