Faces of iPROMOTEu


how has iPROMOTEu changed MY BUSINESS?

iPROMOTEu has changed our business in a couple of meaningful ways. The most direct impact is through the hassle-free job financing and accounting support. As our business has grown and our order sizes have also grown, we have never worried about the ability to take on work. We know that iPROMOTEu has the access to capital to keep us humming on all cylinders. As we have seen iPROMOTEu grow, an unexpected by-product has really helped us grow, as well. Networking with our peers in the industry, sharing best practices and building friendships has been an immeasurable benefit. We are grateful for those relationships and feel less alone in the world. These professional friends and fellow distributors give us a sense of community and support. All in all, we came to iPROMOTEu in 2008 as the economy was in a free-fall. Our expectation was they would bridge the gap for us as we got our feet underneath us. Ultimately, we have stayed because they have become an integral part of our business.

how has iPROMOTEu changed MY LIFE?

iPROMOTEu has changed our lives because they provide the financing and structure to build our business. Without them working in the background, we would not have been able to focus on growth and our family. We are able to take vacations and be out of the office and leave much of the details to the staff back in Boston. This has given us a better balance in our lives.

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