Faces of iPROMOTEu
how has iPROMOTEu changed MY BUSINESS?
how has iPROMOTEu changed MY LIFE? Because of this group, which I consider my extended family, I am able to enjoy life to the fullest. For the last five years, I have been caring for my dad, soon to be 90 years old so my sales work is mainly part time. I also have ten grandchildren and I LOVE the free time I am able to spend with them. Without all the services that iPROMOTEu provides me, I would not be able to do all that I need to do for my Dad and clients and also find some personal “me time.” THANK YOU for giving me the opportunities that I have! Eventually, I knew I had to do something to help Tommy’s clients with orders. They were starting to call and needed their goods but I had no idea how to help. Ross and Rick assured me that I knew more than I thought I did. They felt I could do the work and encouraged me to try it. The staff had patience with me and taught me a great deal. My husband was in the industry for several years before learning about and joining iPROMOTEu as an affiliate. As a stay-at-home housewife at that time and a caregiver for my sick mother-in-law, I only knew that my husband sold promotional items with clients’ names imprinted. That was the extent of the industry information I had until I made the trip to Las Vegas and attended the largest trade show I could imagine. Tommy neglected to tell me just how much walking I would do those days! Little did I know how much iPROMOTEu would change my world. In September 2011, my Tommy suddenly died in his sleep. At the funeral home for Tommy’s service, the first visitor I sawA waiting to see me was Ross. He hugged me, shared kind memorable words of the Tommy he knew and wanted me to know how the iPROMOTEu family was there for support. If I wanted, they would do anything they could to monitor Tommy’s orders for me. Ross told me to just take my time and call WHENEVER I had concerns and questions. I received calls and emails letting me know I was being thought of often.
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