iPROMOTEu 2017 PPAI Expo Schedule
Mandalay Bay Convention Center, Islander DEI Join us for breakfast and learn about recent, brand new and soon-to-be introduced marketing tools and resources that will help you grow your business. 8:30 - 10:00am Marketing Presentation Breakfast Mandalay Bay Convention Center, Islander DEI Ross Silverstein, President and CEO, speaks about the state of the company and what to expect in 2017. 12:30 - 1: 45pm State of the Company Luncheon Mandalay Bay Convention Center, Islander DE Join us for a chance to network with successful women within the industry. Enjoy wine and cheese, impressive speakers, entertainment, and terrific networking. Raffles and gifts for all attendees! 5: 00 - 6: 45pm A Woman’s View Networking Reception Wednesday, Jan. 11 th
Luxor Las Vegas, LAX Nightclub iPROMOTEu Affiliates receive FREE admission. 7:30 - 10:30pm PPAI Power of Two Party
GETTING YOUR HEADSHOT TAKEN? Go to Mandalay Bay, Ballroom B (Level 2), at your reserved date and time.
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