iPROMOTEu Company Brochure - 2022
A D D I T I O N A L B E N E F I T S iSHIP SHIPPING PROGRAM The iPROMOTEu iSHIP Shipping Program is a discounted shipping program designed specifically to bypass inflated vendor shipping rates. We have leveraged our buying power to garner excellent UPS shipping discounts. When utilizing iSHIP Shipping Program, Affiliates consistently see average savings of 20% to 25% less than what vendors typically bill for freight. In addition, we have worked with UPS to develop technology that allows your freight charges and tracking information to be imported directly into iSUITE, our order management system, the morning after shipment. This means your invoicing will never be delayed because of a missing freight charge.
Utilizing the iSHIP Shipping Program results in significant cost savings compared to average industry shipping rates. During Q3 2020, Affiliates who utilized iSHIP saved an average of 37% on shipping costs.** These reduced rates are automatically extended to Affiliates and require no enrollment or additional steps in the order entry process.
Our dedicated iSHIP team handles everything from managing your UPS bill to resolving your shipping disputes.
GUARANTEED COST SAVINGS Our Cost Match Guarantee and auditing practices ensure you receive the lowest price on every shipment.
SHIPMENT VISIBILITY View tracking progress in iSUITE from shipment through delivery.
iPROMOTEu has negotiated the removal of most third-party shipping fees.*
NO SURPRISE CHARGES Adjustment charges resulting from a vendor error are credited and never charged to you or your customer.
Shipment tracking and costs details will are viewable in iSUITE the next business day.
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