The Benefits of Owning A Distributorship
A re you a salesperson working for a distributor? Are you happy in this role? If so, by all means, continue doing what you’re doing. But maybe it’s not the ideal arrangement for you. Maybe you want to be your own boss. Maybe you want to earn more money. Perhaps you want to build a business that becomes a valuable asset and a source of future wealth for you. Would you be interested in an alternative that offers you peace of mind, a better quality of life, and greater personal and professional satisfaction? In short, what if you could run your very own promotional products dis- tributorship and have all the back office and finan- cial support you need right from day one? Enter iPROMOTEu – an industry innovator that truly understands today’s marketplace, offers outstanding service and support, and goes beyond
a one-size-fits-all approach to helping distributors with what they truly need to thrive. iPROMOTEu is arguably the very best economic and lifestyle arrangement in the promotional products industry. Founded in 1999, iPROMOTEu boasts a network of more than 1,000 independent distributor affil- iates and their sales reps throughout the United States and Canada. A proven success story in the industry with a stellar reputation for profession- alism, iPROMOTEu’s turnkey platform for experi- enced salespeople provides easy order entry/order management, fast and reliable order financing, discounted vendor pricing, sophisticated sales and marketing tools, and state-of-the-art technology. If you are considering the launch of your very own promotional products distributorship, read on for several compelling reasons to proceed – and to do so with the help of iPROMOTEu.
BE YOUR OWN BOSS M any salespeople don’t like being told by their distribu- tor-owner what to do, when
to do it, and how to do it. They also don’t appreciate the constant pressure to achieve sales goals or quotas. Of course, interpersonal challenges and office dynamics can take away from the enjoyment of your work. Perhaps you are not receiving the level of support you feel you need or should receive, or perhaps your distributor-owner does not run a professional operation – or worse, is facing financial challenges. You can eliminate these concerns by starting your own distributorship. You will be your own boss, you will be in charge and you will be able to do things your way. The freedom and independence you’ll feel as an entre- preneur and the thrill of owning your own business will excite and motivate you like never before.
A s a salesperson for a tor-owner a significant portion (often 50%or more) of the gross profit on the sales you generate. While the level of service and support provided by distribu- tors to their salespeople vary considerably, inmost instances, the amount a salesperson pays to their distributor-owner is usually exorbitant for what the salesperson receives in return. As a distributor, you will be able to keep 100%of the gross profit you earn on your own orders. What will you do with the excess revenue you get to keep? You can save it, spend it or invest some of it in your own business. distributor, you’re likely paying your distribu-
W hat happens if a salesperson wants to retire, pursue another career or just stop working as a promotional prod- ucts salesperson? Typically, the salesperson simply walks away and leaves everything behind. In other words, all of the salesperson’s hard work over the years to build a client base and generatemore and more sales is, in essence, just handed over to the dis- tributor-owner. The salesperson receives no resid- ual compensation. This is a shame.
As a distributor-owner, your business is an asset that can become increasingly valuable over time. As you grow the business, in terms of client base, sales volume and profitability, your distributorship becomes more valuable and it is an asset you own that you can sell. The funds you generate from the sale of your distributorship are funds you can use for retirement, to launch another business, or for any other purpose you choose.
FOCUS ON SELLING W hile it is true that distributorsmay have responsibilities salespeople don’t have, you are being compensated handsomely owner of the iPROMOTEu affiliate, Orion Promo- tional Group.
Among other services, iPROMOTEuwill (i) process orders and followup as necessary with vendors, (ii) receive, review and pay vendor invoices, and (iii) pre- pare and send customer invoices, and help collect cus- tomer payments. iPROMOTEu’s staff of 75+ industry professionals works on your business and frees you up to focusmore of your time selling –what you are good at doing, what you enjoy doing, andwhat will generate revenue for your company. “I was ready tomakemoremoney, to take home more of my commission, and to bemore in control of my own destiny; iPROMOTEu helpedme to do all this. The staff at iPROMOTEu has been amazing – they do everything they say they’re going to do. Being a part of iPROMOTEu is just so nice; I can’t believe how happy I am,” says Chrissy Cleary, owner of the iPROMOTEu affiliate, Brand Original.
by being a distributor instead of a salesperson. More- over, by partnering with iPROMOTEu, you’ll enjoy a host of support services that will make owning a dis- tributorship easy. For example, order financing, order processing and back-office administration, sales andmarketing, accounting and technology, print and packaging, and graphic design – these are just some of the areas where iPROMOTEu assists its affiliated distributors. “I came from a company that was still living in the past and couldn’t do what was needed in today’s fast- paced business environment, I didn’t have adequate support to growmy business, to serve my customers or to generate more sales. Now, with iPROMOTEu, these former challenges have disappeared and I’m excited about my future,” says Roxanne Rogers,
O wning your own distributorship starts you down a path toward a better quality of life and a more rewarding future. You become your own boss and do things your way. You earn more money and create wealth. With iPROMOTEu in your corner and by your side, you’ll spend more time doing what you want to do, and less time doing what you don’t want to do. “After 30 years of working for someone else, I decided to start my own company on a shoestring. It was really difficult. But seven years later, I joined iPROMOTEu. Believe me, without them, I wouldn’t be where I am now,” says Ellen Orne, owner of the iPROMOTEu affiliate, Ellco Promotions. “It’s a fantastic organization, and its financial and office support has allowed me to build my business so much so that I’m one of the top producing affiliates within iPROMOTEu. Because I don’t have to worry
about things like invoicing and tracking orders, I can just focus on selling – which is fabulous.” iPROMOTEu is clearly a superior economic and lifestyle arrangement for industry salespeople who want to own their own distributorship. In closing, iPROMOTEu can help experienced industry salespeople establish their own distribu- torship – quickly, easily and inexpensively. They’ll provide information, resources, FREE consulta- tion and professional services to help you set up your new business so you can be up and running in no time. Also, you can earn substantially more money as an independent distributor affiliated with iPRO- MOTEu than you could earn as a salesperson. In the words of iPROMOTEu Affiliate Art Silverman, “I don’t understand why any salesperson would not become an iPROMOTEu Affiliate.”
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