The Benefits of Owning A Distributorship
FOCUS ON SELLING W hile it is true that distributorsmay have responsibilities salespeople don’t have, you are being compensated handsomely owner of the iPROMOTEu affiliate, Orion Promo- tional Group.
Among other services, iPROMOTEuwill (i) process orders and followup as necessary with vendors, (ii) receive, review and pay vendor invoices, and (iii) pre- pare and send customer invoices, and help collect cus- tomer payments. iPROMOTEu’s staff of 75+ industry professionals works on your business and frees you up to focusmore of your time selling –what you are good at doing, what you enjoy doing, andwhat will generate revenue for your company. “I was ready tomakemoremoney, to take home more of my commission, and to bemore in control of my own destiny; iPROMOTEu helpedme to do all this. The staff at iPROMOTEu has been amazing – they do everything they say they’re going to do. Being a part of iPROMOTEu is just so nice; I can’t believe how happy I am,” says Chrissy Cleary, owner of the iPROMOTEu affiliate, Brand Original.
by being a distributor instead of a salesperson. More- over, by partnering with iPROMOTEu, you’ll enjoy a host of support services that will make owning a dis- tributorship easy. For example, order financing, order processing and back-office administration, sales andmarketing, accounting and technology, print and packaging, and graphic design – these are just some of the areas where iPROMOTEu assists its affiliated distributors. “I came from a company that was still living in the past and couldn’t do what was needed in today’s fast- paced business environment, I didn’t have adequate support to growmy business, to serve my customers or to generate more sales. Now, with iPROMOTEu, these former challenges have disappeared and I’m excited about my future,” says Roxanne Rogers,
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